Following is correspondence pertaining to Elly’s case:-

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Note: This is correspondence I have sent to the coroners court. I can’t however publish any replies from the coroner. Mr Bracken did not reply in writing to most of my letters, however Mr Cain has.

Early in 2021 I informed Mr Bracken that AFP/SLO Mr Scruton had left out vital evidence from his statement and again by a letter sent on the 17th June 2021. When I informed Mr Bracken of these circumstances with AFP Mr Scruton I was told that Mr Bracken investigated these circumstances and was going to ask Mr Scruton to amend or do a new statement at this time in 2020/21.

I can confirm this because Nicole Elly’s mother informed me that Mr King Taylor (Mr Bracken’s assistant at the time) had told her over the phone the coroner was not happy and that he may need to obtain another statement from AFP Mr Scruton. However this has not occurred. Why I don’t know but the facts clearly show that AFP Mr Scruton’s statement is still missing vital evidence that was given to him and he was made aware of in 2016 which he has not disclosed in his statement!! handing this clear vital version of evidence the crime scene photograph, clearly showing the top as ripped apart over to the Mozambique inspector on the 8th December 2016.